Jazz harmony often involves complex chord changes and progressions. Perhaps the most common jazz progressions is the ll-V7-I. It's popularity has led to the development of many licks and patterns designed to aid the improviser. Complex ideas can be developed from basic patterns resulting in longer, flowing jazz lines. This book contains many advanced patterns along with a 448 bar solo etude based on the changes to a popular jazz standard.
This progression has been chosen because it contains ll-V7-I progressions in six keys and includes a bridge entirely composed of ll-V7-I's. Transposing the solo etude up and down a half-step promotes facility in all 12 keys. Patterns found in the jazz etude have been isolated for practice in all 12 keys. The purpose of this book is not only to present new patterns but to study the ll-V7-I in solo form. A lick or pattern by itself is only a portion of a musical idea. Its placement within the phrase is the key to a good successful flowing line.
(38 pages)